Thursday, December 23, 2010

DIY who knew it was so easy!

I am all about the DIY! I have come to the realization that sometimes my hubby thinks that I am a bit off my rocker! AND THEN... I finish the project and suck him into helping halfway and by the end he loves my idea (and kind of thinks he thought of it) Well tonight I have done it. I bought a bunch of silk scarves from Dharma Trading Co online and I also got Alum from them (although I don't know that I needed it and I have a ton left!)

I did a bunch of research and found a bunch of techniques! I chose to soak mine in the Alum in hot water for 1 hour... I rinsed them and rung then well

Next I brought a small amount of water to an almost boil and added 2 packets of Kool-aide to each pot and then the scarf. I let them soak for however long I thought looked good and then rinsed. For most of the colors I noticed when I poured the water out there wasn't much color in the water. I rinsed the silks till there was no more color and then I hung them dry. (it's like 20 some degrees here and so I couldn't put them outside to dry.)

 I also found that the strongest red color comes from the fruit punch flavor! Thats what the "flavor" is for the 2 very dark reds are towards the end. I also tried a few food colorings, the one farthest to the right is a lemonade and a "magic" packet that was supposed to be green and it turned weird browny-green, and so we added some green food coloring and that turned it into a grassy/moss color that I was happier with. The teal at the end is also food coloring as is the blue next to it. they turned out more modeled or tye dye type color.

Overall this is my favorite DIY! You should def. try it! Cheap and easy and it's one of those quintessential waldorf "toys" that has 100 different uses! I can't wait to see what the kids come up with!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

so what now...

I am here, in WA... what now? Well I will tell you what now! EVERYTHING! hahaha

I have found a church I love! The kids have sunday school classes that they seem to LOVE, and are very happy attending. I like the people and the services are touching and moving and really seem to speak to me. Josh has been going with me with an open mind and heart, which I could ask more of him. And I also found out what MOPS is. I start in Jan, and I can't wait to start making new mommy friends.

As for the Felt Foods... things seem to be booming. We just had the 500 fan giveaway and picture contest. Which was really cute! and now things are slowing for the holidays, but my sewing machine is going full speed ahead! I am really trying to get ahead a little, but I got 2 more orders this week, so I am trying to stay on top of them.

As for the Holidays, my hubby finally finished school and arrived in WA last week, and so he is settling in and being super helpful. I couldn't ask for a better husband, I really couldn't. I see other relationship or other people and I just know that I found the most amazing guy who must have been put on this earth just for me! LOVE YOU BABY! Tomorrow is baking day, so watch out oven here I come!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good news

Good news all!

I have a house and the felt foods should be up and going soon!

Monday, November 15, 2010

things are GREAT!

So the Felt Commisary has officially moved to Washington! YEAH! I am still not set up with the sewing machine, but I will get that set up soon! I hope to start getting things going here soon. We should have our house this week! I can't wait and I will keep you all updated!

As for the felty goodness! I am having a contest, send 10 people over to the FB page and you get a free prize! YEAH! Check out the page and send your friends!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh man, oh man

What a month it has been! I can't believe all the things that we have done.
-we have packed out house and shipped it
-we have successfully cloth diapered through a move!
- reenlisted
-got a new stroller
-got in a car accident (while we were parked, the stupid lady side swiped us)
-now we are having to take car of the insurance part of it
-left out house
- we are now nomads with no home
-Figured out that we have the MOST awesome friends ever! (THX Corey and Jana)
-trick or treat with our two chickens
-Fly on a plane by myself with 2 kids and a dog

I guess we will have to see what happens in the future. I sure feel like my life is at such a crossroads. I hope to figure out what kind of fun adventures are ahead for me and my family! I am really excited to see wat happens next!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Cove PSA - My Friend Is...

something I am passionate about!

There are many reasons why I would get up on a soap box and scream my thought and heart out and one of them is for marine life and the miss treatment of marine mammals. Many of you may have heard about the movie the Cove. The creator and the person that is the heart and soul of the project that this movie follows is Ric O'Barry. His is the man who first trained FLIPPER. He started America's love of marine life with the training of not one but several dolphins for the show. After many years training dolphins for the show O'Barry realized that what he was doing was taking these majestic mammals out of the wild and keeping them against their will. Long story short he flipped sides and is now working to free dolphins from the harsh reality of captivity.

Along his travels it has come to his attention that one of the major '' suppliers" of live dolphins for export is a town in Japan. When O'Barry peeled back the layers and began to investigate, he found that not only were they taking wild dolphins from the sea to export to aquariums around the world but they were also killing hundreds of other unsuspecting dolphins as well, some even being eaten! As you can see in the Cove there is a horrible tragedy going on in Japan. Ric has tried to no avail to get the Japanese people to become aware of the problem. Apparently there is a black out on media that has to do with this topic making his job all the more harder! He has recruited quite an array of stars from around the world to help him in his fight for the dolphins. From Japanese singers and song writers, NASCAR drivers and even movie starts Ric has quite an army to help and even that isn't enough.

We all need to step it up and help, with a click of the mouse you can help with petitions and letters to Senators and well as raising awareness amongst our friends and family. Especially here in Hawaii since we have so many ties to Japan. SPREAD the word!

Google "The Cove" or "save the japanese Dolphins"      Check out the series on Animal planet too!!!!1

Monday, September 20, 2010

Another new felt food! I'm on a roll!

I am flooded with new ideas!

Fwd: Newest member to the felt family

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lauren Davis" <>
Date: Sep 20, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: Newest member to the felt family
To: "Bloggr" <>

This is the newest member to our family

Friday, September 10, 2010

why cloth diapers?? Why not

Why cloth diapers you may ask! WHY NOT! I am a greeny... green-ista...natural mamma...granola...home grown...the usual! I love the planet, I love saving the planet, and I love doing what I can as a momma. When I had my first baby, baby Kai-Kai, I thought that sposies was the way that I had to go. My mom did it, my Aunt did it, my friends did it, HECk everyone's doin' it. So I did it. I jumped off the bridge.. cause everyone was doin' it. Well it wasn't to long after sleepless nights do to diaper rash that I realized cloth may not be the way to go. I can't be the only mother who looked at her child toddle across the room with what looked like a 40lbs brick in his diaper. He looked like a cave man dragging his knuckles on the floor except it was a freshly changed diaper... 20 minutes prior. That is really frustrating! I paid 20 bucks for that stinking box of diapers.. only to have to change my child every 5 min! I don't think so! So I started on Craigslist, I bought a few AIO's and I hated em. They leaked and I didn't know what I was doing! So I sold them to someone else... Then I tried prefolds, I thought I could really get the hang of it. So I stuck with what I knew.

Eventually I thought about venturing out. I tried a few other types, but I was afraid to go back to AIO's. I thought they were all scary and hard to wash. Eventually a friend of mine broke down my walls and I took advantage of a free BG 3.0 offer. I bought some Flip diapers (still sticking with what I knew) but got some BG 3.0 AIO's for free.  I really liked em'. They are great sposie like diapers and they make dropping off the kiddies at a friends house or for babysitting much easier and not as scary to the NOOB (newbie).

After much searching on I have found that there are natural options as well. I can't wait to try them, I have heard great things about them!

Anyone else have a favorite diaper!??

p.s. Don't forget it's free cloth diaper week at Cotton babies!

Free Cloth diapers, sign me up!

So this is free cloth diaper week over at Cotton Babies.

What does that mean to me... HECK YES FREE CLOTH DIAPERS *fist pump*

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Photos from the Baby A Anniversary event

The Doughnuts and pie
The layout, all ready to sell


FML.. I think we all know what FML stands for. I don't take FML lightly. It's a very strong choice in letters, but I am saying FML. I would shout FML at this point. I wanted to stand outside my house and scream F.M.L. Thats how this day is going. I really want to go to bed and wake up to a new day!

I have sooo many things going on right now, and they all began with the pretense that we were extending here in Hawaii. I started a business and I have it growing! I have been doing great and I have my felt foods in Baby Awearness in Manoa. I have a Facebook store and new things are popping up everyday. Don't get me wrong I am more than happy to leave. I was so disappointed that we wouldn't be moving sooner, but now that we are moving I have so many loose ends to tie up it's unreal.

Then comes my own crafting ventures that have gotten put on hold. I have a list of things that I want to make, books filled with things that I want to do. When I will have the time for these things I really don't know.

Oh so now that I have kept you in suspense the FML part. I walked out into the garage to take some trash out, and the whole garage stunk. I called Josh and told him that I thought that the recycling needed to go out and STAT. I was convinced that the cans were rotten and needed to be turned in. Well lunch time came and I wanted taquitos, they were in the freezer outside. You probably see where this is going. So I went outside and the smell knocked me over! I still couldn't find the smell. I rounded the Tahoe and opened the freezer and BAM! I almost got knocked over. It was the F-ing freezer. The door didn't close all the way and things had begun to defrost and in some cases ROT! Ok so maybe not rot but it smelled like it. Frozen fish doesn't do well if it isn't frozen. I looked down and there was a puddle of defrosted juices. Almost the whole freezer was a total loss. I was able to salvage a few things, some fries, pizza and bread. But other than that it was pretty ugly. I was able to save 2 pork tenderloins and a rack of ribs. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and cry and kick something or someone. I really didn't know what to do, but I did know that i was pissed.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you want to cry and scream and laugh all at the same time? That was this moment. Again I say FML is not a phrase I take lightly but at that key moment when I had chicken juices running down my arm, and 4 kitchen trash bags full of spoiled food! I really wanted to drop and run, and not come back. Couldn't some menehune come and clean this for me! (for those of you that don't know what a menehune is, it's  a fictional hawaiian mini person who sneaks around and does things. SOmetimes they are helpful and sometimes they are mischievous.)

Anyhow long story short by 2 o'clock I was tired, exhausted, had a rack of ribs and 2 pork tenderloins cooking. I had taken a shower and now my kids are asleep. Lets see if I can salvage the afternoon!

I have to start somewhere

So after much time and debate I have officially started my blog! I think this is going to be an all encompassing blog... but we will have to see how this baby evolves. I want to get feed back from my felt foodies! What you like, what you need, suggestions... that type of thing. I am also a mom and so I for see that also being a part of the blog since I can't separate that part from who I am. I love being a mom and some days moms need a place to go... aka this blog. I hope to see you here and commenting! Talk to you soon!