Friday, September 10, 2010

why cloth diapers?? Why not

Why cloth diapers you may ask! WHY NOT! I am a greeny... green-ista...natural mamma...granola...home grown...the usual! I love the planet, I love saving the planet, and I love doing what I can as a momma. When I had my first baby, baby Kai-Kai, I thought that sposies was the way that I had to go. My mom did it, my Aunt did it, my friends did it, HECk everyone's doin' it. So I did it. I jumped off the bridge.. cause everyone was doin' it. Well it wasn't to long after sleepless nights do to diaper rash that I realized cloth may not be the way to go. I can't be the only mother who looked at her child toddle across the room with what looked like a 40lbs brick in his diaper. He looked like a cave man dragging his knuckles on the floor except it was a freshly changed diaper... 20 minutes prior. That is really frustrating! I paid 20 bucks for that stinking box of diapers.. only to have to change my child every 5 min! I don't think so! So I started on Craigslist, I bought a few AIO's and I hated em. They leaked and I didn't know what I was doing! So I sold them to someone else... Then I tried prefolds, I thought I could really get the hang of it. So I stuck with what I knew.

Eventually I thought about venturing out. I tried a few other types, but I was afraid to go back to AIO's. I thought they were all scary and hard to wash. Eventually a friend of mine broke down my walls and I took advantage of a free BG 3.0 offer. I bought some Flip diapers (still sticking with what I knew) but got some BG 3.0 AIO's for free.  I really liked em'. They are great sposie like diapers and they make dropping off the kiddies at a friends house or for babysitting much easier and not as scary to the NOOB (newbie).

After much searching on I have found that there are natural options as well. I can't wait to try them, I have heard great things about them!

Anyone else have a favorite diaper!??

p.s. Don't forget it's free cloth diaper week at Cotton babies!

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